How to become a ProDeveloper?

So you want to be a Pro

Here are my top 5 tips:

<Let's begin>
<This is Abhay here>

>>Tip 1
1. Start slow.
The only race you have is with yourself, so stop looking at other people's success. Set a realistic goal of where you want to be in the next 30, 60, or 90 days.

>>Tip 2
2. Start your own side project.
Developing an app, website, or even a social media platform can help you learn more about your industry. Try to code some simple games or databases to explore data structures, trees,
problem-solving, and most of all, debugging. Failure is never a waste of time as long as you learn something from it.

>>Tip 3
3. Don't be PERFECT.
Yes you read that right, if you are just starting out it's okay to mess up. you can find a lot of help online. There is always room for improvment.

>>Tip 4
4. Stick to one language.
This is a big one so listen up! Stop moving
from Python to Javascript to C++.
Stick to one language and get good at
that one language. It's better to
excellent in 1 language than be
"kinda good" in 3.

>>Tip 5
5. Have fun and enjoy your craft!
You will begin to develop your own style
of planning, coding, and debugging
while developing habits along the
way, just make sure they are good
habits instead of bad ones!
Hope this helps!!